Saturday 15 January 2011

Woodswitch Garla of the Mists

Name: Garla of the Mists
Died: N/A
Gender: F
Status: Bastard-born of an Evroni Noblewoman.
Mother: Birth mother - Lady Roliena Eriesh of Evrona, adoptive mother - Heather of Misty Forest
Father: Unknown Alien - however she looked on Tom of Misty Forest as her father.
Siblings: (in birth order)

Children: (in birth order)
Fathered by Earl Rivestrade:
Drennsen - twin, born first
Garland - twin, born second

Zombie?: No

Skintone: Alien - Green
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Alien - green swirls (Al Bhed)
Freckles: Yes

First appearance:

Turn Ons:
Turn Off:

Talent Badges:


Born to a Noblewoman who had been abducted by a strange beam of light in front of her household. She had returned three months later, reappearing on the same spot she had been taken from. Six months after that, a little girl was born.

The Nobleman refused to allow the strange green child to be in his home and they gave her away to a travelling bard known as Tom of Misty Forest. The bard had taken her to a good friend of his who lived in the Misty Forests. Garla was named by the Bard and he visited her often while the woodswoman raised her. Her powers manifested in strange ways as a girl and as a teen, they grew in strength.

The old woodswoman died when Garla was fifteen and the girl left with Tom. He took her into society with him where by chance she discovered her true origins when she came face-to-face with her birth mother. The reunion was spoiled by her mother`s husband and he killed Tom for bringing her back and banished Garla from his lands. Just as this happened, Haryll was also banished and she joined up with his group and decided to start afresh in Larina.

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