Saturday 15 January 2011

Lady Polliffe Haernstaff

Name: Poliffe Haernstaff
Age: 15 (in 1276 (Evrona), 1 (Larina), 4821 (S'rin).

Gender: Female
Maiden name::
Status: Nobility, Lady
Mother: Norelle Billdoan
Father: Pollifer Desdrangle a.k.a Hebb of Saltpans
Legitimate?: Yes
Siblings: (in birth order) Half-sibling, Polliffe Desdrangle
Children: (in birth order)



First appearance:
Latest appearance:

Turn Ons:
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Talent Badges:

Other: Polliffe was born a merchant's daughter. Her father had been the bastard son of an outlaw peasant and a common barwench named Hebb of Saltpans. Growing up, he had wanted more for himself and began to sell trinkets on the side to the drunken clientele of his mother and picked a few pockets.

Once he had a sizeable amount by peasant standards saved up, he struck out on his own and settled in a different village near to the Royal Isle. Here, no one knew his less-than-savoury roots and he styled himself as a minor merchant and renamed himself Pollifer Desdrangle. His savvy for business soon took off and he married his biggest business rival's eldest daughter, Norelle. In so doing, the two men called a truce and merged the business. Merchant Desdrangle soon took the merged business to even greater heights and upon his goodfather's decease, he began to gather invites to an ever higher circle of acquaintances.

His child, Polliffe, was born in this financial boom but his wife died in her birthing. Desdrangle then decided to do everything in his power to secure his business empire with no heir. He married his wife's younger sister, Linimaer soon after Norelle's death. Linimaer soon gave him a son and all was well. He had an heir and had made himself into a grand merchant with a lot of money and a business to hand down to his son.

Upon Polliffe's flowering, Pollifer saw another opportunity. The younger son of a land-poor noble family was moving to the new land of Larina and was in want of money. Within hours, the deal was struck. Pollifer would supply the dowry and Aurane would lift his heir to the noble circles and he would have grandchildren of high standing in two neighbouring countries. Aurane Haernstaff was known as a changeable man. He was able to please where he wanted (shown most notably in his family being the poorest noble house and yet managing to secure Haryll's good favour) - but when he did not wish to please, he was a very cruel man. Pollifer saw the opportunity and so disregarded this part of Haernstaff's nature. No other noble house would align themselves with a merchant whose own past was shrouded in mystery.

Polliffe met her husband at the altar for the first time and said the words her father desired her to, pleased to be joining a noble house. Sadly, Pollifer had never told his daughter of their true origins and she had grown with a great degree of hauter, nor did she know of her husband's darker side.

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